Bitmain Trademark Infringement
Recently, Bitmain Technologies Limited (“the Company”, “we” or “us”) noticed that Giga Watt has stated on the website of https://cryptonomos.com/wtt/#/about (the “ICO Website”) that “Giga Watt is the first official Bitmain hosting facility, and also the first Bitmain service center in the USA” and that Giga Watt is “Bitmain-Powered” and “the first Bitman service center in the USA” (the “ICO Unauthorized Statements”).
We also noticed that Giga Watt has stated on the website of https://giga-watt.com/#/ (together with the ICO Website, the “Websites”) that Giga Watt is “Bitmain-Powered” and that Mr. WU Jihan is the Chairman of Giga Watt (together with the ICO Unauthorized Statements, the “Unauthorized Statements”). We also noticed that our registered trademark, “BITMAIN,” is used on these Websites.
We hereby declare as follows:
We have never authorized and will not authorize Giga Watt as our official hosting facility or our service center in the USA. We have never supported and will not support Giga Watt’s ICO. We have never authorized and will not authorize Giga Watt to use our BITMAIN trademark in any circumstances. Mr. WU Jihan has never been and will not be a member of Giga Watt team.
We believe that it is clear that Giga Watt’s Unauthorized Statements and unauthorized use of the BITMAIN trademark is intended to confuse and misdirect investors. We also believe that such activities are unlawful and constitute intentional trademark infringement to us by Giga Watt. We require Giga Watt to cease the Unauthorized Statements and the infringement of our BITMAIN trademark, and to issue an official public apology to us by January 19, 2017. Otherwise, we will take all necessary legal actions to seek remedies.
This announcement is made without prejudice to the Company’s rights and claims, all of which are expressly reserved.
Bitmain Technologies Limited
January 17, 2017
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