Tag: antminer (page 6 of 6)

Antminer Firmware Update – February 2019

At Bitmain, security of end users is our top priority and we are committed to ensuring this as new risks emerge. Our team closely monitors the technology ecosystem to identify new and evolving threats. As part of that vigilance, we have recently been made aware by the open source community of a potential vulnerability relating to our firmware. In response, and as a matter of priority, our team has released new firmware updates for the Antminer S15 and Antminer T15 to fix this vulnerability.

Despite our continuous efforts, absolute protection from all possible attacks remains an elusive goal, and therefore, a collaborative effort of the global community is imperative for the strongest defence. We are most grateful to the open source community for continuing to identify and responsibly report new vulnerabilities.

As contributors and users of open-source code, we recognise and respect its ethos. To ensure continued compliance with the requirements of open-source code, we have formed a special team and created new internal procedures.

Installation guides and new firmware releases can be downloaded from https://service.bitmain.com/support/download

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Antminer Has a New Twitter Account

We will now be Tweeting all news and announcements relating to the Antminers or other products sold on shop.bitmain.com from Antminer’s Twitter account.

As we continue to expand our operations, it will be useful for everyone to have a Twitter account dedicated to Antminer-related news or announcements.

URL for the new Twitter account is: twitter.com/Antminer_main

For buyers of the first batch of the Antminer Z9 mini, we will continue to post Z9 mini’s shipping updates from the new Antminer account.

For all corporate communications from Bitmain, please continue to follow our original Twitter account twitter.com/BITMAINtech (which is temporarily suspended because of confusion over Bitmain’s age) and our blog.

As always, please leave us a message here to contact Bitmain for anything.

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Antminer Firmware Update -April 2017

There is a new controversy regarding a feature in the firmware of Bitmain’s Antminer series of Bitcoin miners which allegedly claims that Bitmain can remotely shut down Antminers. This feature was designed and coded by the same team that is responsible for the firmware of Antminers. As the firmware has always been open-source, the feature was never intended to be malicious.

We need to clarify the intention of having this feature. We planned to add this feature to the code to empower customers to control their miners which often times can be hosted outside their premises. This was after more than one incident of miners being stolen from a mining farm or being hijacked by the operator of the mining farm:

  1. In 2014, around 1,000 Antminers were withheld from the owner by a hosting service provider in Shenyang, China.
  2. In 2015, around 2,000 units of Antminers were withheld from the owner by a hosting service provider in Georgia.
  3. In 2017, Bitmain’s own miners were withheld and sold without its consent in Canada.

This feature was intended to allow the owners of Antminer to remotely shut down their miners that may have been stolen or hijacked by their hosting service provider, and to also provide law enforcement agencies with more tracking information in such cases. We never intended to use this feature on any Antminer without authorization from its owner. This is similar to the remote erase or shutdown feature provided by most famous smartphone manufacturers.

However, this feature was never completed. We started to develop this feature since Antminer S7 and wanted to finish its development on the Antminer S9. We hoped to make it a useful feature that we could advertise to our customers. But, due to some technical problems, we were unable to finish the development of this feature and shut down the testing server in December 2016.  It is a bug to leave the code there before the feature is fully complete and acknowledged to the users. This bug has now been pointed out in context of Bitcoin’s scaling roadmap debate and has caused considerable misunderstandings within the Bitcoin community. We apologize for this.

Following are the models affected by this bug:

  • Antminer S9
  • Antminer R4
  • Antminer T9
  • Antminer L3
  • Antminer L3+

Since MITM and DNS hijacks can exploit this bug we would like to apologize to our customers for a degraded level of security caused by this. We should also note that the existing stratum protocol is vulnerable to MITM and DNS hijacks, and that the mining industry needs to work together on design of the next generation mining protocol.

Moving on, we have released the new updated source-code on GitHub and new firmware on our website which removes this bug. We recommend all Antminer owners to upgrade their firmware to the updated firmware from the list below and strongly advise to not download any firmware provided by a third-party which can lead to unexpected outcomes in function and can also be potential phishing attacks.

Antminer S9 firmware
Antminer T9 firmware
Antminer R4 firmware
Antminer L3 firmware
Antminer L3+ firmware

Source code on GitHub

Source-code for Antminer S9, T9 and R4: https://github.com/bitmaintech/bmminer-mix
Source-code for Antminer L3 and L3+: https://github.com/bitmaintech/setup-A8 which includes https://github.com/bitmaintech/ltc_frimware inside.

Alternatively, we advise owners of mining farms that run Antminers to set the DNS record on their routers of auth.minerlink.com to in the /etc/hosts file by the following method:

1. Use ssh to login to the miner
2. Run command:   echo “     auth.minerlink.com” >> /etc/hosts
3. Run command:   sync


The controversy around this code has brought our attention to improve the design in order to address vulnerabilities that were pointed out by the community recently. For this, we thank the community for pointing out bugs and contributing to our open-source codebase. We would also like to take this opportunity to express our solidified belief in the open source community and express our renewed commitment to improving the quality and testing methods of our code.

We will continue the development of this feature to provide a technical protection for mining rig owners to host their miners in remote locations. We will add a switch to this feature, and this switch will be closed by default. Customers will be able to set up and configure their own authentication server. Before we finish this development, such a code will not be in the firmware we release from now on.

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Beware of the Phishing Website Bifmaintech.com

phishing website bifmaintechWe were today informed by a concerned Bitmain fan that a website with a domain (www.bifmaintech.com) similar to that of Bitmain’s official website www.bitmaintech.com is mirroring our original website. He found this website through a Reddit post announcing release of the Antminer R4.

phishing website bifmaintech

Interestingly the Reddit post links to another article on a tech news’ website called TechUpgrade.com It may be good for our advertisement but the article is filled with phishing links and inaccurate information.  To lure customers into buying from their phishing website, the website displays an unbelievably low price of $995 and also includes the APW5 in that “$995 package”.

We have reported the issue to the website on their “Contact Us” page but not sure if the message went through because it doesn’t show any confirmation message.

We hope that no Bitmain fan or anyone is tricked into paying on this website.

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Bitmain Is Now Accepting PayPal Payments

antminer s7-ln paypal

antrouter r1 paypal

We have long been receiving requests from our fans and users to accept PayPal payments. And so, we have started accepting PayPal payments for certain products.

Currently these products are the AntRouter R1, the AntMiner S7-LN and the APW3 power supply.

Because this is a testing phase, there are certain limitations for those who choose the PayPal payment method for their order. These limitations are as follows.


1. We only support Paypal to Paypal payments.

Bitmain customers have to either have a PayPal account or have to register with Paypal to be able to use this feature.

2. Users can pay for only one order using PayPal.

Users can not pay for a second order using PayPal until Bitmain decides to expand the use of Paypal.

3. The order can only contain 1 unit of the each product type. For example:

The order CAN have 3 items in total: 1 AntRouter R1, 1 Antminer S7 and 1 PSU.

The order can NOT have more than 1 AntRouter R1 or Antminer S7 or 1 PSU.


We hope the inclusion of the PayPal payment method will improve the shopping experience of our fans and users.

To place your order for any of the three products, please click here for the AntRouter R1, here for the AntMiner S7-LN and here for the APW3 power supply.

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Batch 12 and Batch 13 of the Antminer S9

Batch 10 and batch 11 of the Antminer S9 sold out in roughly 10 hours of launch. They were considerably stocked and so we were overwhelmed by the response again.

Unfortunately many Bitmain fans and miners missed their chance to order before the two batches sold out.

So we have good news for everyone: we are going to release two new batches!

Batch 12 and batch 13 can deliver a hashrate of 11.85TH/s and 12.93TH/s, respectively.

They will be available to order after 2300 hours (Beijing time, GMT +8) tomorrow (18 August 2016).

We suggest everybody to confirm their order here (https://goo.gl/w3G2NB) for batch 12 or here (https://goo.gl/jpvZU3) for batch 13 before they sell out.

We wish all a very happy mining experience with Bitmain.

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Releasing Two Limited-edition Batches of the Antminer S9

We have been receiving an increasing number of queries asking about the release of the next batch of the world’s most efficient bitcoin miner the Antminer S9.

We are now happy to inform all fans and bitcoiners that we are releasing two new limited-edition batches of the Antminer S9 tomorrow (16 August 2016) at 2300 hours (Beijing time).

Batch 10 and batch 11 can deliver a hashrate of 11.85TH/s and 12.93TH/s, respectively.

We suggest that those who missed the previous S9 batches or have been waiting for the next batch confirm their order here (https://goo.gl/Iq7zQX) for batch 10 and here (https://goo.gl/OI8r7S) for batch 11 while stock lasts.

The miners will be shipped out within 5 days of order confirmation, on a “first-order-first-ship” basis.

We will also be offering quantity-based discounts on these batches.

Happy mining,

the Bitmain team

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